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Tafelreservering - Friday / vrijdag

Reserveer een tafel op vrijdag om de week smakelijk af te sluiten!

  • 1 h 30 min
  • Location 1

Service Description

Geniet van heerlijke cocktails, de vele Van Kleef jenevers & likeuren en wissel af met een (tap)watertje. Book a table and enjoy our delicious cocktails, sample some jenevers & liqueurs and feel free to ask for a refill of tap water anytime... This reservation doesn't include a tour through our museum. However we do offer our tour "on paper" (free of charge) so you can still read about the history of jenever and Van Kleef. Prefer to book the Van Kleef tasting or cocktail tasting that we serve Saturday and Sunday? We offer these tastings, although without the tour on Friday too. Van Kleef tasting € 22,00 incl. VAT per person Van Kleef cocktail tasting € 26,00 incl. VAT per person Please mention under "Add your message" that you would like to book a (cocktail) tasting.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Voor een vrijdag reservering vragen we geen aanbetaling. De betaling van de reservering kan na afloop door één persoon voldaan worden per pin, credit card of contant. We don't ask for a down payment when you book a table on a Friday. After your reservation we kindly ask one person to settle the bill. We accept bank/credit cards and cash.

Contact Details

  • Lange Beestenmarkt 109, 2512 ED The Hague, Netherlands

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